Sunday, August 23, 2009


While out for a local neighborhood walk this morning, I saw the very first sign of leaf color change. This sign of what is to come left me thinking about what is about to leave all around me. It reminded me of a poem I once wrote about "Leaves" and a photo that my wife took on one of our Maine meanderings. So I thought I would share it today.

I wonder if you have a similar or quite a different take on the philosophy of life that my poem attempts to articulate.

Grasping at life
leaves you
Gasping for breath.

Lusting for things
leaves you
Lasting with nothing.

Rushing in time
leaves you
Rashing in stress.

Fretting inside
leaves you
Forgetting who you really are -

the beloved of God!


  1. Perfect for the last day before school starts and life's schedules get re-hectic. Thanks!

    :) DeAnna in TX

  2. You are welcome, DeAnna. May you know the peace that only Jesus can give.

  3. Thank you for commenting on my blog - I enjoy sharing recipes. Caring for my good buddy has been a life altering journey - so many lessons learned and gifts of the heart opened. The further we go along this journey, the more humbled and thankful to Our Lord I grow.

  4. Your last sentence is endorsed by my own experience. Not what one might logically expect. But what else is interesting is that your love for your buddy spills out from your blog and onto the reader and commentor. How remarkable!
