Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th of July Weekend

On this 4th of July weekend, may you know both quiet reflection and shared celebration.

Carol and I recently celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. It was June 19 (which was also Fathers Day) and did so in the quiet of one of the cabins at Pine Haven in Beaver, West Virginia. We elected the "lovers package" and so were greeted with roses in a vase, chocolate covered strawberries and toasting liquid refreshment with keepsake glasses. We passed on white water rafting and rock climbing options, but did exercise horseshoes, Frisbee golf and some shuttle cock. Dinner at "The Char" restaurant was delightful.

Several years ago, while we were visiting Canada during a 4th of July weekend, Carol did take some photos as we watched the fireworks show from a hotel window. Here is one of her photos and what follows is a prayer I wrote while meditating on the exciting sky explosions we watched together. Perhaps this prayer will be one you may wish to say a few times this holiday weekend.

Fireworks Prayer

Lord Jesus,
I wish so much to be close to you
to allow you to draw as near as you may wish.

Sometimes your Presence explodes into my awareness
and I am awestruck with color, wonder, beauty and mystery.

But most of the time it is like a dark, black and empty sky.

How I treasure our relationship!

I apologize for so often ignoring it,
or for presuming upon it,
or for just flirting with it.

May my heart and mind be open to you completely,
whether the night sky of my soul is dark or exploding in light.

May you be the Master
of my thoughts,
my words,
my deeds.


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